This week the IRS released a list of IRS enrolled agents as of September 2024.
The total number of enrolled agents in September 2024 is 66,794, a 3.6% increase from last September. The number of enrolled agents in India is now 2,683, a 19% increase from last year.
The number of enrolled agents registered in the Cayman Islands grew from 17 to 52. The increase is mostly due to EY registering enrolled agents through the Cayman Islands. EY now appears to have 33 enrolled agents registered through the Cayman Islands.
We have combined China and Hong Kong into one category, as reporting between these two is inconsistent. The number of enrolled agents for this category decreased from 111 last year to 101 this year, a 9% decrease.
In prior years, the phone numbers of the enrolled agents were disclosed. This year’s disclosure did not include phone numbers.
Below is a chart showing the number of enrolled agents as of September 2024 and September 2023 for countries that have at least 20 enrolled agents.