Andrew Mitchel LLC

International Tax Blog - New and Interesting International Tax Issues

Tax Case Quizzes


Tax Case Quizzes

Today we added a new feature to our website: tax case quizzes.

Each quiz item includes:

  1. A case name with its citation, and
  2. A brief description of a key tax principle discussed in the case.

We currently have more than 1,200 quiz items. We hope to add more over time.

The main quiz page allows you to filter the quiz items based on various criteria. You can choose which court you want to focus on (all, Supreme Court, Appellate Courts, or Tax Court). You can choose among 40+ categories. And you can filter based on what year the court case was published.

You can view the quiz items either by taking a multiple choice quiz or by viewing a study page.

I find it useful to use the quizzes as a resource. I try to familiarize myself with the quiz items as best as I can. However, there are just too many to remember. I simply try to remember key words that I can later search for if the topic arises in the future. All I need to do is search the quizzes for the key words. Once I find the case that discusses that topic, I retrieve the case and see what the court actually said.

I also find it helpful to download the quiz items into a flashcards app on my phone and iPad. The main quiz page has a link to the flashcards app that I use, and a link to download all of the quiz items into the app.

Tags: Other - Other