Andrew Mitchel LLC

International Tax Blog - New and Interesting International Tax Issues

Famous Tax Quotes - Self-serving, Unreliable, Unverified, and Contradicted Testimony


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Continuing our series on Famous Tax Quotes (quotes from court opinions and rulings with language that is colorful or that concisely states an important tax principle) today's tax quote is:

Mrs. Fairbank testified that she does not “know anything about UBS,” did not engage Dr. Lienert or Mr. Besser, and never asked anyone to create Xong Services on her behalf. [FN 35] We are not convinced.

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FN 35 * * * We find Mrs. Fairbank’s testimony to be self-serving, unreliable, unverified, and in contradiction with some of the stipulated documents in this case.

Fairbank v. Commr., T.C. Memo 2023-19.

Tags: Other - Famous Tax Quotes