Andrew Mitchel LLC

International Tax Blog - New and Interesting International Tax Issues

Recent Regulation Packages Related To International Tax


Since TCJA, the Treasury Department and the IRS have published thousands of pages of regulations.  I have not been able to keep up with the international portions of all those regulation packages.  To identify regulation packages that I need to focus on, I have created a web page that lists the recent regulation packages relating to international tax.

This page then links to individual regulation package pages.  Each separate page includes summary information about the regulation package.  For example, each page includes:

  1. A word frequency chart,
  2. Notable phrases and their frequency,
  3. Regulation citations and their frequency,
  4. Section citations and their frequency,
  5. Authorities referenced,
  6. Related regulation packages, and
  7. Summary statistics.

Proposed regulations are included in the list only if final regulations on that topic have not yet been promulgated.

There are still a few tweaks that I need to make, but I think the list is pretty good now.  Below is the word frequency chart from TD 9882:


[The data for each page was created with a Python script, and the separate web pages are served via Flask.]

Tags: Authority - Treasury Decisions, Python