Andrew Mitchel LLC

International Tax Blog - New and Interesting International Tax Issues

Capitalization Trivia


Prepositions, conjunctions, and articles in the titles of IRS forms and publications are typically not capitalized; but this is not always the case.  Sometimes these items are capitalized.

I decided to analyze the IRS’ use of capitalization in the titles of forms and publications.  The IRS has a webpage where you can view all of their forms and publications.  The following is a summary of the types of items included:

  Publications 1,066
  Forms 1,042
  Instructions 389
  Notices 23
  Total 2,520

The most frequently used preposition in the titles is “for”.  This term is used 1,138 times.  It is not capitalized 97% of the time.

The next most frequently used preposition is “of”.  This term is used 655 times.  It is not capitalized nearly 100% of the time.

The conjunction “and” is used 601 times.  It is not capitalized 99% of the time.

Interestingly, “with” is only used 70 times, but it is capitalized 61% of those times.

Below is a table that summarizes the statistics.


Tags: Other - Other, Statistics