As we reported last year, the U.S. government actively pursues taxpayers that are committing tax fraud. The Justice Department publicizes its successes in its press releases. The press releases continue to demonstrate an impressive list of tax-related convictions, guilty pleas, injunctions, summonses, and other actions against taxpayers (and tax preparers). Many of the tax fraud schemes include offshore activities. See, for instance:
Connecticut man who used offshore accounts sentenced to prison for tax evasion and conspiracy
Comments about the Program for Non-Prosecution Agreements or Non-Target Letters for Swiss Banks
Mizrahi Bank client pleads guilty to filing false tax return
Credit Suisse Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Aid and Assist U.S. Taxpayers in Filing False Returns
Swiss Offshore Tax Evasion Enabler Pleads Guilty
California banker charged with helping U.S. taxpayers conceal secret Israeli bank accounts