Andrew Mitchel LLC

International Tax Blog - New and Interesting International Tax Issues

USD School of Law - Procopio International Tax Institute


Yesterday and today I attended the University of San Diego School of Law - Procopio International Tax Institute in beautiful San Diego.

Although this was the first time that I attended, it was the eighth annual USD / Procopio conference. I was very impressed with quality of the speakers. The speakers included high level U.S. government tax officials and high level Mexican government tax officials. The private practice speakers were also top knotch.

Some of the topics covered included;
  1. Structuring for acquiring U.S. businesses, 
  2. Structuring for investing into Mexico, 
  3. New FATCA rules,
  4. Criminal and civil tax investigations for both the U.S. and Mexico, and 
  5. U.S. and Mexican tax directors round tables.

I also met some very interesting folks at the conference. There were a lot of tax professionals from Mexico and a couple of the speakers spoke in Spanish (although the vast majority of the conference was in English).
Tags: Country - Mexico, Other - Conferences