Andrew Mitchel LLC

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Book Review: Transfer Pricing Answer Book 2012


I recently read the book: Transfer Pricing Answer Book 2012, and I highly recommend it for anyone wanting to learn the U.S. transfer pricing rules.

Transfer pricing generally refers to the price charged by a company to a subsidiary or related company for goods, services, or intangible property.  Transfer pricing typically comes up in international transactions, where the related parties are located in different countries.

The Transfer Pricing Answer Book 2012 has seven contributing authors including its editor, David Blair.  Mr. Blair authors or co-authors 12 of the 22 chapters.  Mr. Blair and the co-authors have skillfully explained transfer pricing in a plain-English way, at least as simple as you can get when dealing with a technical topic such as transfer pricing.

The book is in a Q&A format, with reasonably sized fonts, and the pages are not densely packed, which makes the reading easier.  The use of end notes, as opposed to footnotes, also makes the reading easier for someone who is not as interested in the technical details, while at the same time providing authority for individuals that need to dig deeper. 

The book is comprehensive.  It covers the basics of transfer pricing, the practicalities of conducting a transfer pricing analysis, and the various methods available for determining the appropriate transfer price of goods, services, and intangibles.

As indicated above, I recommend the Transfer Pricing Answer Book 2012 for anyone interested in learning about transfer pricing or anyone that needs a transfer pricing resource.

The publisher is the Practicing Law Institute and for those interested, the book can be purchased here.

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